上海MINI Cooper 4S店
MINI Cooper 4S dealership at Shanghai

上海MINI Cooper 4S店是宝马公司新视觉指引的示范设计项目,也是未来全国范围内4S店升级的样板。设计方案将原有室内的黑色基调转移到外立面,作为过滤强烈光线渗透幕墙的遮阳网,以此营造出别具一格的外观设计。在室内的设计上,更多采用了自然元素的材料,打造一个轻松、自然、更加面向年轻消费群体的空间体验。设计师们运用了自然光线和绿色植物等元素,使整个店面呈现出一种自然、舒适的感觉。此外,店内还配备了先进的科技设备和舒适的休息区,为顾客提供更加舒适和便捷的购车体验。总体而言,上海MINI Cooper 4S店的设计风格不仅展现了现代感和创新性,也为未来的汽车销售和服务行业带来了新的发展思路和理念。(上海,2018)

The Shanghai MINI Cooper 4S dealership serves as a pilot project for BMW’s new visual guidelines and the model for future 4S dealership upgrades nationwide. The design scheme brings the original black interior theme to the exterior façade as a shading mesh to filter strong sunlight penetrating the curtain wall, creating a unique and distinctive appearance. Inside, the design utilizes materials with natural elements to create a relaxed and natural space experience, catering to a younger consumer group. Natural light and green plants are integrated into the design, giving the entire storefront a natural and comfortable feel. Additionally, the dealership is equipped with advanced technology and comfortable rest areas to provide customers with a more convenient and comfortable car-buying experience. Overall, the design style of the Shanghai MINI Cooper 4S dealership not only showcases modernity and innovation but also presents new development ideas and concepts for the future of the automotive sales and service industry. (Shanghai, 2018)

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